Most Likely to Succeed

What is the purpose of education in the 21st Century?

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” -John Dewey

There is no denying that the world of today is a different place from the one that first introduced the factory model of education that we still cling to in many ways. That "cells and bells" approach was useful for creating well-trained workers for the factory jobs of the past, but doesn't take into account that today's workforce requires a very different skillset. It's time to re-imagine education to ensure that students are empowered with the skills and competencies they need to find their passion and succeed in the world of tomorrow.

To help spark discussion about the future of education, Sackville Schools 2020 is excited to be hosting a screening of the Sundance-selected film Most Likely to Succeed on March 26 at the Vogue Cinema. This eye-opening film examines the history of education in the United States, revealing the growing shortcomings of conventional education methods in today’s innovative world. The film explores compelling new approaches that aim to revolutionize teaching as we know it. After seeing this film, the way you think about “school” will never be the same.

We invite everyone--parents, educators, administrators, students and community members--with an interest in education in Sackville to participate in viewing this compelling film and taking part in the discussion that follows. The event is free, with tickets available on Eventbrite and at the door. We look forward to an enlightening and engaging afternoon, and thank our generous sponsors for helping make it happen!

View the Most Likely to Succeed trailer:

Sir Ken Robinson discusses our current educational system:

Thanks again to the generous sponsors that helped Sackville Schools 2020 bring Most Likely To Succeed to our community: